
Lobbyist Registration

Lobbyist registrations are required annually and expire April 30th. There is a $100 fee required for each registration. A lobbyist must submit a registration for each principal the lobbyist represents.

System User Guide - Lobbyist Registration and Disclosure 

Lobbyist Login

Principal Signature Waiver

If you are a principal authorizing officer and would like to waive your signature requirement on disclosure filings submitted by registered lobbyists, please use the button below to download a hard copy of the waiver form. Once the principal authorizing officer has signed the form please submit this form to the Ethics Council at ethics@dls.virginia.gov.

Principal Signature Waiver

Terminating Lobbyist Registration

To terminate a registration, you must do the following:

  • Submit your final Disclosure Report
  • Email the Ethics Council to notify that the final Disclosure Report has been submitted and the registration should be terminated. Please note that the registration will not be terminated until after the final disclosure has been approved and the Ethics Council has received a termination notice communication, in writing.

Lobbyist Disclosure Reports

Lobbyist reports are filed annually. If the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline is moved to the next business day. 

Each lobbyist must submit a report for each principal the lobbyist represents, even if no expenditures were made. All reports must be signed by both the lobbyist and the principal officer, unless the principal officer has elected to waive the electronic signature requirement by submitting a principal officer signature waiver form to the Council.

Guide to completing the Lobbyist Disclosure Statement

System User Guide - Lobbyist Registration and Disclosure 


Lobbyist Login

Activity Start Date Activity Stop Date Disclosure Due  
May 1 April 30 July 1  

Lobbyist Notification Letters*

January 10 Notification
Each lobbyist is required to send a notification to each legislative and executive official who have received gifts that require their name to be listed on Schedule A or B of the Lobbyist's Disclosure Statement. This notification should include information for the prior calendar year, complete through December 31. Because the reporting period for lobbyists does not run a calendar year, it means that the notification will cover a portion of the year that the lobbyist has already reported on during the preceding lobbying year, and a portion of the year that the lobbyist will not be disclosing until July 1. 

Session Gift Report Notification
Each lobbyist is required to send to each member of the General Assembly, the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the Attorney General, and members of the Governor's Cabinet a summary of all gifts given to these individuals or to a member of their immediate family from January 1 to adjournment Sine Die of the regular General Assembly Session. This summary is due no later than three weeks after adjournment Sine Die of the regular General Assembly Session.

*Retroactive to January 1, 2020, the gift cap has been adjusted for inflation and is now $108.

Activity Start Date Activity Stop Date Notification to Official
January 1 (of previous year) December 31 (of previous year)

January 10

January 1

Adjournment Sine Die

of the General Assembly

Three weeks after adjournment of the General Assembly